Help Heritage Shooting

Are you interested in helping Heritage Shooting?

We are frequently asked “How can I help?”

There are several ways you can help Heritage Shooting fulfill our Mission: Become a Heritage Shooting Member!

ALL Certified Instructors, assistants, and staff are volunteers.

No course fees go to compensate for their time.

To become a Heritage Shooting member: You are required to volunteer a minimum of five (5) hours of time to the benefit of Heritage Shooting, Inc. as an organization.

We recognize many people with a strong belief in the importance of the Second Amendment, who want to help teach about the safe and responsible use of firearms, and are willing to commit some time to help are reluctant because they do not know if they are qualified to help. Part of our mission at Heritage Shooting is to training our instructors, as well as the general public. ACTIVE Heritage Shooting volunteers receive discounts on NRA Instructor training courses taught at our facility. We recognize the importance of helping our volunteers develop their skills as far as they want to develop.

We always need help with a variety of tasks ranging from staffing the ranges during an event, to helping get our facility cleaned up and ready for events, to helping prepare food for those events that we provide lunch. This is a great way to meet and form friendships with people who share your commitment to educating our present and future generations of American citizens about their Second Amendment rights and firearms safety. And it’s lots of fun!

Tax Deductible Donations!

Donations of money, firearms, teaching aids, and other appropriate and helpful materials are appreciated. For example: Each youth attending our Annual Youth SportsFest incurred a cost to Heritage Shooting of $53.00. We charged only $20.00 per youth. The difference per youth must be made up by donations.

Heritage Shooting Inc. is recognized by the Internal Revenue Service as exempt from federal income tax under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code.

Donors may deduct contributions made to Heritage Shooting, Inc. as provided in section 170 of the Internal Revenue Code.

Click here if interested in contributing any donation or volunteering your time to such a good cause

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